5 Books for Hopeless Romantics #4 – Jules et Jim (Henri-Pierre Roché)

At first, the books on this list may not seem ‘romantic’, but the idea of ‘boy meets girl’ is so boring and outdated. Relationships are complicated, they always have been.

This is something that Jules et Jim captures truthfully, but lovingly. It is beautifully written (and translated by Patrick Evans) and yet a tale of such bohemian inhibition and freedom. The characters fall in and out of love, drifting between each other, in and out of each others lives, their stories artfully woven over time. It is simply a wonderful book to read.

And what is it to the Hopeless Romantic? It’s an honest tale that deals frankly with how relationships can evolve. How feelings can change. It’s not always happy. When there are winners, there tend also, to be losers, but that’s how life is anyway. It doesn’t really pull any punches.

From the fleeting desires of youth to the nudging desire to settle down, Roché carefully captures life. Initially it focuses on the slightly hedonistic lifestyles lived by Jules and Jim as they embark on their journey to explore life’s pleasures. When they meet Kate their hearts are stolen in turn, leading to a love triangle where no-one can ever truly be happy. J

ust like life, things aren’t always perfect. I don’t really know what this book will do for you, or where it would end up on your pantheon of romantic literature. It will probably leave you feeling slightly depressed, if a little wiser. It’s hard to explain, just read it and you’ll see. If you’re lazy, there’s even a film … but it’s in French. Enjoy!

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