33, Single and pretty sure that Cosmic Ordering is rubbish.

If you don’t know what Cosmic Ordering is then, very basically, it involves writing everything you want in life down and waiting for it to happen. Actually that’s what it is at its most complicated.

There’s a lot of stuff like it. It’s positive thinking and we all know that’s good stuff. The idea that positive thinking can make good things happen in your life is not particularly new or unique, it’s what half of the Self Help industry is based on. Noel Edmonds credits his job on ‘Deal or No Deal’ with it. That’s already proof that there’s no God, so perhaps it could be proof of something else. I’m not convinced. (Noel Edmonds is pretty much the leading Cosmic Ordering figure in the UK, if you want to know more about that, Google it.)

See, I’ve been practicing quite a lot of it recently, in various forms. Sitting around willing my life to improve. Beaming positively into empty space because the phone might ring and Wikipedia will offer me a job reading articles to make sure they are interesting enough. Don’t laugh it might happen if I just … smile … wide … enough. Grinning maniacally at people doesn’t make them go out with you, it makes them take out a restraining order. Oddly enough, employers are much more receptive to CVs and letters of recommendation as opposed to a list that you have at home and your intense positivity.

Everyone is trying to sell you snake oil. The simple fact is that everyone who ever got anything they really wanted went out and got it. They all have one thing in common that allows them to do that and that thing is confidence. Not everyone has it in such abundance. Confidence is something that can be hard to develop and even harder to maintain. To some people it can feel like they’ve never had it and never will, but that’s not true. Confidence is just how comfortable you feel in any given situation. Put yourself in a place you don’t like, when your confidence reserves are low, and you’ll struggle. People spend and awful lot of time making life harder for themselves.

Go where you want to be, talk to the people you want to talk to and sure, if you want to, write a list of all the things you want to achieve, but then go out and achieve them because if you don’t, who’s going to do it for you, Noel Edmonds? Pah!


N.B. Please don’t sue me Noel, I never missed a House Party.

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